365 Days | From 9am till sunset

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

This day is devoted to our beloved fathers. It a day to give thanks to those who offer the most precious gift. The gift of life. 


For their loyalty and pride, their care and protection, for their unconditional love, we are thankful. 

In Attica Zoological Park, great fathers are hosted just like the male Rhea and today is a day to highlight some of their special roles 


Did you know that:


Male Rheas are the ones who incubate  the eggs and rear the young for about 6 months
Multiple females lay their eggs in a single clutch and that’s where their male incubates them. In a single clutch one can find up to 30 (or even 80) eggs from up to 12 different mothers!
Males may adopt chicks that become separated from other groups.