365 Days | From 9am till sunset

Adult Programs

The Service Learning Program (SLP)


Is an innovative, non-formal learning concept developed for adults aiming to stimulate their appreciation of the Natural World and enrich their knowledge of it.


Is a unique opportunity to gain valuable experience and receive training in specific fields depending on one's interest and competences. As an SLP - Adult you can join one of our teams by choosing the following options:


Zoo Keeping - theory & practice


Zoo keeping training focuses on building basic skills in animal care practice and raising awareness about wildlife conservation.



Conservation Education


You will join the Education Team and, through practical work within our programs, contact with visitors and interaction with the animals at the Park, you will develop important skills in non-formal education for changing society's attitudes and behavior to protect biodiversity. In addition, you will learn how to design and create educational material and best practices in evaluation.


Citizen Science


Our Citizen Science program gives the opportunity to people of all ages and educational backgrounds to participate and contribute in research projects that the Park is partnered with, under the direction of experienced scientists.




We facilitate and mentor scientific research in the following fields.


  1. Ethology

  2. STEAM

  3. Visitor Studies / Public Understanding of Science 

  4. Wildlife Conservation



The cost of participation is 240 euros for the first 4 weeks and in case of extension the cost is additional 60 euros per week.
You can complete the program within 4 weeks (full-time) or within 3 months (part-time).
There is limited availability for the SLP program.

How to apply


  1. Please fill out the form and send to education@atticapark.gr
  2. After you receive the response from us, you will be interviewed via video call


Upon completion of the Service Learning Program (SLP), you will receive a certificate of participation and / or a letter of recommendation.


Tel. 2106634724-5 (9:30-17:30