Personal data collection policy
The COMPANY has a major priority for the protection of trust and privacy of the information that is provided with and is in constant compliance with the applicable legislation for the protection of personal data.
We ask you to read carefully the present privacy policy of the COMPANY for the protection of personal data, in order to be informed sufficiently regarding the type of information that we process.
As part of this fundamental obligation, the COMPANY has commited to protect and use based on the legislation, the personal data that has been collected either through the internet or through business services that it provides, either through the communication/collaboration with a third party. Our main concern is to process the data which our subjects have provided at their own will, so that we may provide to them and/or the services and information relevant to business opportunities.
When sending a message through the communication form of the site, the user will have to enter some personal information, such as: Name, Surname, telephone, e-mail address, etc. Personal information may also be asked when accessing some of the services of follows Greek law on Keeping Personal Data Records faithfully. The data declared in the above cases shall not be divulged to third parties, and shall not be published in any way or in any way be the object of exploitation. This data will only be used to the extent deemed absolutely necessary to:
• fulfil the terms and obligations of the individual services provided by to its users,
• support users with information,
• choose the content offered to the users, so that it is according to their general preferences,
• satisfy any demands by the users regarding the services of,
• inform them of new services,
• serve the smooth operation of the site,
• help be in contact with its visitors
As an exception, may make public the personal information of its users in the following cases:
• It has the explicit consent of users for in any way making public their personal data,
• The data is made public to third-party natural persons or legal entities with which cooperates and only to the extent that is absolutely necessary for to provide any service,
• If demanded by law, by court order or asked by any other state or regulatory authority.