Scientific Name:
Astrochelys radiata
Southern Madagascar.
Herbivore. Leaves, grasses, flowers, fruit, cacti.
Habitat: Dry thorn forests, tropical woodlands
Incubation: 3-12 eggs, incubation ~5-8 months.
Social structure: Mainly solitary
Weight: up to 16kg.
Dimensions: Up to 40cm
Lifespan: 100
IUCN Status: Critically Endangered
Estimated population in the wild: Unknown, decreasing
Threats: Hunting for the pet trade or for food, habitat loss (deforestation for agricultural land, grazing of livestock, burning of wood for charcoal).
Did you know that:
- The radiated tortoise is considered to be one of the world’s most beautiful tortoise.
- Local people have a taboo against eating or touching the tortoises, however large quantities are gathered by people from other areas.
- It is estimated that up to 45,000 animals are harvested each year.
- When frightened they screech loudly to scare off the predator