Scientific Name:
Camelus bactrianus
Mongolia, China
Herbivore. Forbs, shrubs, grasses
Habitat: Cold deserts, oases
Weight: 450-500 kg
Dimensions: head to torso 3.5m, height 1.80m
Gestation: 13-14 months, 1 young
Lifespan: ~35 years
Social structure: Groups of 6-20 or up to 30 individuals with one male and several females with their young.
Estimated population in the wild: <1000
IUCN Status: Critically endangered
Threats: Hunting for food or sport. The domesticated subspecies that we host in our Park is not threatened.
Did you know that:
- Their humps serve as a store for energy-rich fats, enabling them to go for long periods without food.
- Thick fur and underwool provide warmth during the cold desert nights and some daytime insulation against the heat.
- They are able to drink up to 135L of water in 13 minutes.