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Black-Capped capuchin

Black-Capped capuchin

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Scientific Name:

Sapajus apella


Central South America (Amazon)


Omnivorous, prefers fruits and insects. Also eats arthropods, frogs, baby birds, small mammals, leaves and flowers.


Habitat: tropical forests.

Weight:  male: max 4,8kg , female: max 3,4 kg.

Dimensions: head to torso max 46, tail length: 38-49cm.

Gestation: 150-160 days, 1-2 young at each birth.

Lifespan: 40-45 years.

Social structure: Groups of 8-15 individuals, more females than males. 

Estimated population in the wild: Common-decreasing.

IUCN Status: Least Concern.

Threats: Forest and habitat degradation, hunted for its meat and traditional medicine practices, illegal exotic pet trade.

Did you know that:

  1. The animals in a group tend to clean each other in order to maintain their hygiene but also to strengthen their bonds.
  2. They live and co-exist with other species, with whom they share common nutritional habits, and take advantage of them by letting them find food –which they eventually steal.
  3. Capuchins can’t swim.
  4. Their tail is long and "prehensile" or has the ability to hold.
  5. They scent mark themselves by washing their hands in their own urine and rubbing their hands on their fur. This may be a way for males to advertise their sexual maturity.


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