Scientific Name:
Ara glaucogularis
N Bolivia
Palm fruits, nuts and seeds
Habitat: Seasonally inundated savanna with palm groves
Incubation: 26-28 days / 2-5 eggs
Social structure: Pairs or small flocks of 7-9 birds
Weight: 600–800g
Dimensions: 85cm, wingspan ~90cm
Lifespan: 30-35
Estimated population in the wild: 250-300
Threats: Severely threatened in the past by legal and illegal exploitation for the national and international pet trade, illegal poaching still occurs. Reduction of available suitable nesting trees due to cattle farming and nest competition from other macaws or other bird species.
IUCN Status: Critically Endangered
Did you know that:
- It is the most rare species of macaw in the world.
- Their feathers have been used for decoration of ornamental costume for indigenous groups.
- Like all macaws, they are playful and inquisitive and are able to mimic human vocalizations very well.