Scientific Name:
Acrantophis dumerili
Carnivore. Wild terrestrial vertebrates (mammals and birds), domestic poultry.
Habitat: Dry forest, thorn bushes, savannah, villages.
Gestation: ~7 months, 6-13 young
Social structure: Solitary
Weight: 10.5kg
Dimensions: 180-210cm
Lifespan: 20-30
IUCN Status: Least concern
Estimated population in the wild: stable / relavively common
Threats: It is killed by local people as it is considered bad luck and likely predates domestic chickens however in general there are no major threats to this species.
Did you know that:
- They are "ovoviviparous," meaning their eggs stay inside the mother's body until they're ready to hatch, after which she gives birth to live young.
- They are non-venomous and prey is killed through constriction.
- Unlike many other boas, they lack heat-sensing pits on their heads.
- Their cryptic pattern helps them to blend in with the dry leaf litter of the forest floor, effectively hiding them from both prey and predators.
- The genus "Acrantophis" derives from the Greek words “akrantos” meaning useless or lazy combined with "ophis" which translates to snake. This name was probably a result of the species being found in a state of no activity or very low activity.
- The Dumeril's boa species specific name, dumerili, was given in honor of French herpetologist André Duméril.