365 Days | From 9am till sunset
Dumerils Boa

Dumeril's Boa

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Scientific Name:

Acrantophis dumerili




Carnivore. Wild terrestrial vertebrates (mammals and birds), domestic poultry.


Habitat: Dry forest, thorn bushes, savannah, villages.


Gestation: ~7 months, 6-13 young


Social structure: Solitary  


Weight: 10.5kg


Dimensions: 180-210cm


Lifespan: 20-30


IUCN Status: Least concern


Estimated population in the wild: stable / relavively common


Threats: It is killed by local people as it is considered bad luck and likely predates domestic chickens however in general there are no major threats to this species.


Did you know that:

  1. They are "ovoviviparous," meaning their eggs stay inside the mother's body until they're ready to hatch, after which she gives birth to live young.
  2. They are non-venomous and prey is killed through constriction.
  3. Unlike many other boas, they lack heat-sensing pits on their heads.
  4. Their cryptic pattern helps them to blend in with the dry leaf litter of the forest floor, effectively hiding them from both prey and predators.
  5. The genus "Acrantophis" derives from the Greek words “akrantos” meaning useless or lazy combined with "ophis" which translates to snake. This name was probably a result of the species being found in a state of no activity or very low activity.
  6. The Dumeril's boa species specific name, dumerili, was given in honor of French herpetologist André Duméril.

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