Scientific Name:
Ovis aries cameroon_dwarf
Western Africa, mainly found in the Sudanese savanna of Cameroon.
Herbivore. Herbs, grasses, leaves, buds, shoots
Habitat: Domestic animal / Humid forested areas, savanna.
Gestation: 5 months, 1-2 lambs
Social structure: Flocks
Weight: males 30kg, females 20kg
Dimensions: Shoulder height males 60cm, females 50cm
Lifespan: 10-12
Estimated population in the wild: Domesticated / common
IUCN Status: Not Evaluated
Threats: The Cameroon sheep is a domestic species, therefore not endangered.
Did you know that:
The Cameroon Sheep has no wool, but thick, tight hair, with an extra undercoat during winter months. This winter coat is shed automatically once spring arrives.
It is well adapted to hot and humid climates, that is why it can live in rainforest areas of West Africa.