Scientific Name:
Branta canadensis
Καναδάς, Αλάσκα, Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες, Μεξικό. Έχει εισαχθεί στη Δ. Ευρώπη.
Vegetarian - roots, stems, leaves, fruits, aquatic plants, grains, seaweeds, clam shells, crops, grass.
Habitat: wide diversity of habitats, from tundra to semi-desert and in wooded or open country always close to water.
Incubation: 24-30 days / 4-7 eggs
Social structure: family groups or large flocks
Weight: max15kg
Dimensions: max 160cm wing span: max 2.4m
Lifespan: ~20
Estimated population in the wild: 600,000-610,000
Threats: No significant threats their population is increasing.
Did you know that:
- They are migratory birds, flying in a V shape formation. They have been recorded to fly at altitudes of 9kms.
- They are monogamous. If one mate dies, the remaining partner finds another mate.
- They are known for their honking noise which they use in order to communicate while flying.
- Due to their social nature, pairs with goslings often join other parents in groups. They remain together, sometimes until the next breeding season.
- This species is considered the most harmful alien bird species present in Europe.