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Scientific Name:

Pan troglodytes


In 21 countries of western and central Africa


Omnivore. Fruits, leaves, stems, seeds, flowers, bark, honey, mushrooms, resin, eggs, and animal prey such as insects and medium-sized mammals (mainly primates).


Habitat: Tropical rainforest, woodland savanna

Dimensions: males 77-96cm, females 70-91cm

Weight: males 28-70kg, females 20-50kg

Gestation: 230 days, 1-2 young

Lifespan: 40-50

Social structure: Multi-sex groups of around 35 animals (max 150) with one dominant male.

Estimated population in the wild: 172,000-299,700

IUCN Status: Endangered

Threats: Habitat destruction and degradation (conversion to agriculture, logging, oil and gas mining), poaching (for meat, pet trade, medicinal purposes, snares, crop-protection), human diseases.

Did you know that:

  1. They are apes and not monkeys. They are more closely related to humans (with a 1.2% difference in DNA) than they are to gorillas!
  2. They have a better short term memory than humans and use basic tools.
  3. Every night they build sleeping nests 9-12m high up in trees.

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