365 Days | From 9am till sunset
Carmine bee-eater

Carmine bee-eater

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Scientific Name:

Merops nubicus


Senegal E to Eritrea, S to N Kenya and S Somalia.


Insectivore. Grasshoppers, honeybees, wasps, bugs, butterflies, flying ants, dragonflies.


Habitat: Savannas, wetlands.

Incubation: ~21 days / 2-5 eggs

Social structure: Huge breeding colonies of up to 1.000 nests

Weight: max. 60gr

Dimensions: max. 27cm

Lifespan: ~7 years under human care

Estimated population in the wild: unknown. Locally common.

Threats: Habitat destruction due to rising water levels in some lakes and bank collapse caused by speedboat generated waves and constant water level changes as a result of hydro-electric dams.

IUCN Status: Least concern

Did you know that:

  1. They follow and sit on animals to catch insects rising from the vegetation as they pass.
  2. They nest in riverside cliffs faces. Both parents excavate the burrow which is straight and slightly declining with a diameter of about 6 cm and a length of 1 - 2m and occasionally 3 -7m. At the end of the burrow there is an oval nest-chamber.

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