Scientific Name:
Plegadis falcinellus
Africa, Australia, C & S Asia, S Europe, east coast of N, C & S America
Omnivore. Insects and their larvae, worms, leeches, molluscs, crustaceans, small vertebrates (fish, frogs, tadpoles, lizards and small snakes), rice and other grains.
Habitat: Freshwater or brackish wetlands with tall dense vegetation (e.g. reeds or rushes) and low trees or bushes.
Incubation: 20-23 days / 3-4 eggs
Social structure: breeding period groups of 5-100 pairs or large aggregations of thousand pairs, during winter in small flocks of up to 30 individuals.
Weight: 840gr max
Dimensions: 48-66cm
Lifespan: ~14
Estimated population in the wild: 230,000-2,220,000
Threats: Habitat destruction, disturbance, pesticides, avian influenza outbreaks
IUCN Status: Least concern
Did you know that:
- The Glossy Ibis is a ‘tactile forager’, locating prey items by touch as it probes the substrate with its long, curved bill. Touch sensors on the bill allow the bird to rapidly snap it closed when it encounters prey.
- In Greece it is a rare and local summer visitor evaluated as "Critically Endangered".