Scientific Name:
Phoenicopterus roseus
Southern Spain, S. France, Greece and East up to Kazakhstan, Middle East, NW and E. Africa, India, Sri Lanka.
Crustaceans, molluscs, seeds of marsh grasses, algae and decaying leaves, insects, marine worms and small fish.
Habitat: saline lagoons, saltpans, inland lakes, estuaries and coastal waters
Incubation: 27-31 days / 1-2 eggs
Social structure: 3 -200.000 pairs
Weight: 2.1 - 4.1kg
Dimensions: Height: 1.20 - 1.45m. Wing span 1.40-1.65m
Estimated population in the wild: 550.000 - 680.000
Lifespan: ~30
Threats: Pollution, diseases, habitat loss, low breeding due to human disturbance.
IUCN Status: Least concern
Did you know that:
- Flamingos frequently stand on one leg. Curling a leg under the body keeps the foot warm and conserves body heat.
- Usually feeds with its head and most of the neck under water.
- The flight speed of a flock can reach 60km, and they can cover distances of 600km in a night.