Scientific Name:
Chloephaga picta
Argentina, Chile, Falkland Is.
Vegetarian. Leaves, grass, berries, seeds.
Habitat: Dry pastures and arable land, coastal meadows.
Incubation: 30 days / 5-8 eggs
Social structure: Single pairs or loose groups
Weight: male 3560g max, female 3050g max
Dimensions: 60-72.5cm
Lifespan: 5-12
Estimated population in the wild: unknown, widespread and abundant
Threats: There are no major threats to this species.
IUCN Status: Least concern
Did you know that:
- The incubation is done by the female. The chicks leave the nest soon after hatching, but remain close to the parents and feed on insects and vegetation.
- Treated as pest and intensively persecuted by farmers and cattle breeders, 25,000 birds were killed and 10,000 eggs were taken annually in the Falklands during 1975-1980.