365 Days | From 9am till sunset
Grey Parrot

Grey Parrot

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Scientific Name:

Psittacus erithacus


Central west Africa


Fruits and seeds.


Habitat: wooded areas, including forest edges and clearings such as cultivations, occasionally mangroves, savanna woodland, altitude up to 2200 m.

Incubation:  21–30 days, eggs 2–4

Social structure: They are highly social and nest in large groups, although family groups occupy their own nesting tree. They are often observed roosting in large, noisy flocks. These flocks are composed of only African grey parrots, unlike other parrots that are often found in mixed flocks.

Weight:  402–490 g

Dimensions:  28–39 cm

Lifespan:  wild average 22.7,  under human care 40-60.

Estimated population in the wild:  560.000 – 12.7 million

Threats:  capture for illegal trade, habitat loss, hunting as bushmeat, and supply of heads, legs and tail feathers for traditional medicine or black magic.

IUCN Status: Vulnerable

Did you know that:

  1. They have been seen in the wild imitating the sounds made by other animals.
  2. In the late 1990s and early 2000s Cameroon exported an annual quota of 10,000 birds; estimates that 90% of trapped birds died before reaching Douala airport.
  3. African Grey Parrots have the reasoning skills of 3yr old children.


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