365 Days | From 9am till sunset
Palm-nut Vulture

Palm-nut Vulture

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Scientific Name:

Gypohierax angolensis


Western and central Africa.


omnivorous, primarily frugivorous. Eats fruits of oil and raffia palms, fruits and grains of other plants (ex. Acacia) , but also amphibians, fish, invertebrates, small mammals, birds, reptiles, small carcasses.


Habitat: Forest habitats, coastal forests, mangrove swamps, where oil and raffia palms are present and frequently near water bodies. It is distributed from sea level up to 1800 m.


Incubation: 42-47 days, 1 single egg

Social structure:  Gregarious, roosting in small groups in trees, but forages singly.

Weight: 1.2-1.8 kg

Dimensions: 57-65 cm. / Wingspan: 1.35-1.55 m.


Estimated population in the wild: Around 80.000 pairs, population trend: stable

Lifespan:  Unknown in the wild, 27 in human care 

Threats:  habitat destruction, persecution, limited nesting opportunities as a result of harvesting disturbance

IUCN Status: Least Concern

Did you know that:

  1. Nesting occurs in large stick nests 60-90cm in diameter, located in tall trees.
  2. It differs from all the other vultures due to the fact that it is mainly (60-70%) vegetarian.
  3. They live in the same habitat as the Pygmy Hippopotamus. 


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