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Scientific Name:

Nestor notabilis


New Zealand.


Omnivorous. Leaves, buds, nuts, berries, fruits, seeds, flowers, pollen, nectar, roots, stems, beetles, grasshoppers, snails, flesh and bone marrow from carcasses, rabbits, mice and even wounded sheep.


Habitat: high-altitude forest and alpine basins

Incubation: 3-4 weeks / 2-4 eggs

Social structure: highly social, groups up to 40 birds. Young males appear to disperse from natal area, while young females remain. As few as 10% of adult males may breed in any given year, this in part due to polygyny by dominant male birds.

Weight: 900gr

Dimensions: 48cm

Lifespan: 14 under human care

Estimated population in the wild: 4.000

Threats: Deforestation for pasture causing reduction of food availability, shooting by farmers to protect their sheep, poisoning caused by eating from rubbish dumps.

IUCN Status: Vulnerable

Did you know that:

  1. Known for their curiosity and cleverness, keas will investigate any new item. They have been known to damage car accessories, dismantle tents in campgrounds and even steal small items.
  2. It consumes more fruit and disperses more seeds than all other bird species combined in its range
  3. They take their name from their main call usually sounded while in flight – “kee-aa.”  they also communicate through various "facial expressions" and by fluffing their head feathers. 

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