Scientific Name:
Aix galericulata
China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Russia, Taiwan.
Omnivore. Seeds, acorns and other nuts, grain, aquatic plants, land snails, frogs, tadpoles, insects, fish.
Habitat: Lakes, rivers, marshes and swamps surrounded by dense deciduous forest.
Incubation: 28-33 days / 7-14 eggs
Social structure: Pairs (breeding period) or flocks
Weight: male 693g max, female 608g max
Dimensions: 41-51cm wingspan: 68-74cm
Lifespan: 11
Estimated population in the wild: 65,000-66,000
Threats: There are no major threats to this species.
IUCN Status: Least Concern
Did you know that:
- This species is not hunted for food because they taste bad, which has consequently helped them survive.
- The Mandarin is held in high esteem by the Japanese and the Chinese and serves as a symbol of happiness and marital fidelity.