Scientific Name:
Ara ararauna
Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Surinam, Paraguay, French Guiana, Guyana.
Seeds, palm nuts, flowers and fruits
Habitat: subtropical and tropical forests at altitudes of 500m to 1,500m
Incubation: 24-28 days / 1-3 eggs
Social structure: Pairs or flocks of up to 25 birds
Weight: 995–1380gr
Dimensions: height 86cm, wing span 1.10m
Lifespan: 43
Estimated population in the wild: Fairly common
Threats: Extensive trapping for the international pet trade.
IUCN Status: Least concern
Did you know that:
- Pairs mate for life. The pair flies close together with their wings almost touching.
- In the wild, when food is scarce, they may eat fruit that is not ripe, or toxic plants, that may upset their stomachs. To neutralize the toxins, they consume clay by river beds.