Scientific Name:
Cygnus olor
Europe (including Greece), Asia. Introduced to New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and United states.
Leaves, aquatic plants, grasses, algae, grains, occasionally small amphibians (frogs, toads and tadpoles) and aquatic invertebrates (molluscs, insects and worms), occasionally fish.
Habitat: variety of lowland freshwater wetlands such as shallow lakes, marshes, and small rivers.
Incubation: 35-41 days / 5-7 eggs
Social structure: groups of several thousands and pairs during breeding season
Weight: max15kg
Dimensions: max 160cm wing span: max 2.4m
Lifespan: 27
Estimated population in the wild: 600,000-610,000
Threats: lead poisoning , copper poisoning, entanglement in fishing lines and/or hooks collisions with overhead lines, oil spills, avian influenza outbreaks
IUCN Status: least concern
Did you know that:
1.In Greece the mute swan spends the winter gathering in large consecrations of 3,500 - 6,000 birds.
2.It is one of the heaviest flying birds of the world.
3.Contrary to the name, the mute name produces a range of vocalizations.