365 Days | From 9am till sunset
Palawan hornbill

Palawan hornbill

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Scientific Name:

Anthracoceros marchei


Palawan island and nearby islands in Philippines.


Mainly fruits, also insects and lizards.


Habitat: evergreen forests with large trees for nesting. Also found in mangroves, cultivated land and bushlands close to forests.


Incubation: ~25-30 days / 1-3 eggs

Social structure: small groups

Weight: 580-920gr

Dimensions: 55cm

Lifespan: ~15-20

Estimated population in the wild: 1.500-7.000

Threats: fragmented range, hunting for food and pet trade, habitat destruction due to logging and mining activities.

IUCN Status: Vulnerable

Did you know that:

  1. The nesting habits of Hornbills are unique. The female seals herself in a tree cavity and leaves only a narrow slit through which the male will feed her and her chicks until they are nearly ready to fly away. This curious nesting behavior is a defense against predators such as snakes and martens.

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