Scientific Name:
Aix sponsa
W, C, E North America, Cuba, Mexico, Bahamas.
Omnivore. Acorns, nuts, seeds, aquatic plants, insects and other invertebrates.
Habitat: Wetlands surrounded by forest, coasts.
Incubation: 28-36 days / 9-15 eggs
Social structure: pairs, 200-1000 in autumn and winter
Weight: 862gr max
Dimensions: 43-54cm
Lifespan: 15
Estimated population in the wild: unknown, increasing
Threats: There are no major threats to this species
IUCN Status: Least concern
Did you know that:
- It is one of only a few ducks with strong claws that allow it to perch in trees.
- Their scientific name translates as ‘waterbird in bridal dress’, referring to the male’s showy breeding plumage.