Scientific Name:
Hexaprotodon liberiensis
Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone
Herbivore. Leaves, aquatic plants, fallen fruits, roots and tubers.
Habitat: Dense forests
Dimensions: 150-175cm, height 75-100cm
Weight: 160-270kg
Gestation: ~6 months, 1 rarely 2 young
Lifespan: ~27
Social structure: solitary, mothers with her offspring.
Estimated population in the wild: 2000-2499
IUCN Status: Endangered
Threats: Deforestation, hunting for meat, persecution by people and oil pollution.
Did you know that:
- They are 5 times smaller and 10 times lighter than the Common Hippo.
- Muscular valves in the ears and nose close under water.
- They vigorously wag their tail while defecating to mark their territory with feaces.
- They are most active at night.