Scientific Name:
Brachypelma smithi
Pacific side of Mexico
Insects, small lizards, frogs and mice. The tarantula injects venom to paralyse the prey and then it sucks up its proteins and fats.
Lives in ground burrows, in rocky areas, usually in scrubland or desert. The ends of the legs can detect vibrations, smells and tastes, to help the tarantula locate prey and the opposite sex. It also has eight eyes on the top of the carapace. After mating the female may try to kill and eat the male. Males live up to 5 years, females up to 25 to 30 years old.
Venomous. When threatened, it kicks hairs off the abdomen with its hind legs, which cause blindness if they hit the eyes of a predator and can also cause a rash on the skin.
Up to 15cm.