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Village Weaver

Village Weaver

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Scientific Name:

Ploceus cucullatus


Burundi, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda


Mainly granivorous. Seeds, cereals, fruits (wild figs, cactus fruit), palm oil nuts, nectar, insects (such as beetles, ants, termites, grasshoppers, mantids, caterpillars).


Habitat:  Savanna, riverine woodland, wetlands, cultivated areas, villages, gardens.

Incubation: 12 days / 2-4 eggs

Social structure: Large flocks

Weight: male 46gr max, female 37gr max

Dimensions: 17cm

Lifespan: ~14

Population in the wild: unknown, abundant and widespread

Threats: There are no substantial threats to this species.

IUCN Status: Least concern

Did you know that:

  1. More than 200 nests can be woven in a single tree with colonies exceeding1000 nests
  2. The nest is woven by the male within 11 hours, from strips torn from reed or palm leaves. The male often includes a ceiling layer of broad leaves. The female lines an accepted nest with leaves, grass-heads and some feathers.
  3. The males are polygynous with up to five females simultaneously on territory, females may also change mates.
  4. Young are primarily fed with insects
  5. Nests are predated by snakes including the mamba, monkeys, crows and hawks. 

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