Scientific Name:
Tockus deckeni
Ethiopia, S Somalia, Kenya and C Tanzania.
Fruits, seeds, buds, insects, snails and small animals such as mice, lizards, birds and frogs.
Habitat: Open semi-arid savannahs, woodland.
Incubation: 30 days, 2-3 eggs
Social structure: pairs or small flocks of up to 11 birds
Weight: 120-210gr
Dimensions: 35cm
Lifespan: ~15-20
Estimated population in the wild: common.
IUCN Status: Least Concern
Threats: Threatened only in areas where nest trees have been cut down.
Did you know that:
The nesting habits of Hornbills are unique. The female seals herself in a tree cavity and leaves only a narrow slit through which the male will feed her and her chicks until they are nearly ready to fly away. This curious nesting behavior is a defense against predators such as snakes and martens.