Scientific Name:
Dendrocygna viduata
Sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, C and S America.
Omnivore. Grass, seeds, rice, aquatic invertebrates (molluscs, crustaceans, insects).
Habitat: Variety of wetlands.
Incubation: 26-30 days / 4-13 eggs
Social structure: Flocks of several thousand birds
Weight: 820g max
Dimensions: 38-48cm
Lifespan: 12 years under human care
Estimated population in the wild: 1,410,000-1,700,000
Threats: Virus outbreaks, hunting for food and trading in traditional medicine markets.
IUCN Status: Least concern
Did you know that:
- There are 8 living species of whistling ducks, each with its own distinctive call.
- They are active mainly at night when the birds fly to foraging areas to feed. During the day they spend most of the time standing alert in flocks around water.