Scientific Name:
Trigonoceps occipitalis
Africa, south of Sahara
Carnivore. Mainly feeds from carrion, may kill injured animals and also hunts small prey such as fish, termites, crickets, etc.
Habitat: Open forested areas (acacia and baobab), savannah, desert. Max altitude 4000m
Incubation: 55-56 days, 1 egg/season
Social Structure: Solitary, pairs up for reproduction
Lifespan: Up to 20 years in the wild
Threats: Lack of prey due to hunting and habitat loss, direct and indirect poisoning, disturbance from human activity.
IUCN status: Critically endangered
Weight: Up to 5,3 kg
Dimensions: height: up to 85 cm, wingspan: up to 2,4 m.
Population: 2,500-10.000, decreasing rapidly
Did you know that:
- They are typically the first to arrive at the site of a kill, preferring to feed alone and to avoid competition from other species.
- 61% of White headed vultures are not involved in mating, which is one of the causes of the population’s low reproduction rate.
- Our Park is one of the few Zoological Parks where the white headed-vulture has successfully been bred.
- They are very careful with how they feed from the carcass to avoid becoming dirty.