365 Days | From 9am till sunset
White headed Vulture

White headed Vulture

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Scientific Name:

Trigonoceps occipitalis


Africa, south of Sahara


Carnivore. Mainly feeds from carrion, may kill injured animals and also hunts small prey such as fish, termites, crickets, etc.


Habitat:  Open forested areas (acacia and baobab), savannah, desert. Max altitude 4000m


Incubation: 55-56 days, 1 egg/season

Social Structure:  Solitary, pairs up for reproduction

Lifespan:  Up to 20 years in the wild

Threats: Lack of prey due to hunting and habitat loss, direct and indirect poisoning, disturbance from human activity.

IUCN status: Critically endangered

Weight: Up to 5,3 kg

Dimensions: height: up to 85 cm, wingspan: up to 2,4 m.

Population: 2,500-10.000, decreasing rapidly

Did you know that: 

  1. They are typically the first to arrive at the site of a kill, preferring to feed alone and to avoid competition from other species.   
  2. 61% of White headed vultures are not involved in mating, which is one of the causes of the population’s low reproduction rate.
  3. Our Park is one of the few Zoological Parks where the white headed-vulture has successfully been bred.
  4. They are very careful with how they feed from the carcass to avoid becoming dirty.

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