Scientific Name:
Anser indicus
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam.
Mainly herbivore. Grasses, roots, stems and green parts of plants and sedges, grain, tubers and other vegetables, seaweeds, berries, small insects (in water) and small crustaceans.
Habitat: variety of wetlands in highland plateaux (4000-5300m altitude). Winters in lowland swamps, lakes and rivers.
Incubation: 27-30 days / 4-6 eggs
Social structure: Pairs, harem groups (1 males with up to 5 females), colonies of up to 1000 pairs.
Weight: 3kg max
Dimensions: 71-76cm
Lifespan: 20 years
Estimated population in the wild: decreasing
Threats: There are no major threats to this species.
IUCN Status: Least concern
Did you know that:
They have been reported on migration at 9000–10,000 m over the Himalayas
Like other waterfowl they can also see in the ultraviolet spectrum of light.