Wild African penguin populations are in steep decline. At the start of the 20th century, there was an estimated 1 million breeding pairs in the wild. In the last 100 years, these numbers have decreased dramatically by more than 97%. In 2010, due to the rapid decline, the species was reclassified from Vulnerable to Endangered on the IUCN Red List.
The Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds SANCCOB’s primary objective is to reverse the decline of seabird populations through the rescue, rehabilitation and release of ill, injured, abandoned and oiled seabirds –especially endangered species like the African penguin.
Attica Zoological Park supports Sanccob for the rescue, care and rehabilitation of abandoned penguin chicks.
You, too can support the project by either contributing in our donation box outside the penguin enclosure or donate online at
African Penguins Art Competition
Every year we conduct a nationwide art competition for children 5-15 years old. The topic is the African Penguin and the aim is to inform the public about the threats they face in the wild.
How to send: Take a picture or scan your personal or group work and send it to education@atticapark.gr before the 20th of February 2024.
Document format: Preferably as an attachment in JPEG and PDF format!
Please name the document in following way
Age Name Surname (e.g. 7 Maria Mariliou)
Name of the School Class (e.g. Γ2 Δημοτικού Σπάτων )
Enjoy some selected art work that our selection committee loved, by clicking here!
Το learn more please contact us at education@atticapark.gr or on 210-6634724 (extension 201) and ask for the Education Center.