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4 little ring tailed lemurs , newest members of the Park

4 little ring tailed lemurs were born, each 2 by two different mothers, on March 23rd and on April 3rd respectively.

They live in South and Southwestern Madagascar in tropical rainforests and in tropical bush areas, and spend a large part of the day foraging for food on the ground.They feed with plants, leaves, flowers, fruit, and often sap and bark from trees. Rarely insects.

They are social animals and live in groups of 3 to 25. Females are 100% dominant over males, but males are also active socially. During the birthing season, males practice infanticide (the act of killing the offspring of a female). Females on the other hand are usually friendly towards the offspring of other females. Groups of females switch infants, baby-sit, form play groups, and even nurse infants other than their own. Females give birth once a year to one, sometimes 2 infants.

The species is endangered because of habitat loss due to fires, overgrazing by livestock and tree cutting for charcoal production, and high priority has been given to its conservation.