In the South America section of Attica Zoological Park a "nursery station" has opened its gates recently.
19 Greater Rhea continually follow their 2 fathers who take care of them!
Yet, in the nest there are still 16 eggs hatching and soon will give out to the Park its new members!
Greater Rhea comes from Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina
It is omnivorous and is fed with leaves from various plants, seeds, roots and fruits. It also eats insects (especially grasshoppers), lizards, frogs, small birds and some snakes.
Lives usually in groups of up to 100 in open land with tall vegetation. Both males and females are polygamous.
As many as 12 females will lay eggs in the same nest.
Incubation of eggs and rearing of the young is done exclusively by the male.
Population has declined remarkably due to hunting for meat and skin in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Species is considered threatened.