Scientific Name:
Canis lupus
North America, Europe, Asia.
Carnivore. Large ungulates, livestock, carrion, garbage.
Habitat: Forests, tundra, taiga, plains, mountains
Weight: male: ~41kg , female: ~31 kg
Dimensions: 1,5m
Gestation: 9 weeks, 1-11 young
Lifespan: 10 years
Social structure: packs of 5-36 individuals with an alpha pair and several other males and females.
Estimated population in the wild: stable
IUCN Status: Least concern
Threats: Killing them to protect livestock, reduction of natural prey and habitat fragmentation due to construction of closed highways
Did you know that:
Only the alpha male and female breed within the pack.
They can locate their prey from a distance of 3km only by smell.
They can hear the howling of another wolf from a distance of 10km.
The species in Greece is considered Vulnerable and its population is estimated at 700 animals.